C programming language syllabus

इस पोस्ट में हम C लैंग्वेज का सिलेबस देखेंगे


  1.  Scope of C Language
  2. Distinction and similarities with other HLLs
  3. Special features and application areas
2. Elements of C

  1. Character set
  2. Key words
  3. Data types
  4. Constants and Variable
  5. Operators: unary,binary,ternary
  6. Operator precedence
3.Console input -output
  1. Types of I-O
  2. Console I-O
  3. Unformatted Console I-O: getchar(), putchar(), gets(), puts(), fetch(), getchar().
  4. Formatted I-O: scand(), printf ()
4.Control Flow
